Mitutoyo is world's largest manufacturer of precision measuring instruments. Mitutoyo offers widest range in calipers, micrometers, height gauges, slip gauges sets, dial gauges, bore gauges, feeler gauges, magnetic stands, dial stands. Mitutoyo is global leader in Metrology with vast network spanning 22 countries.

Spirit of Mitutoyo.

To  become   a  complete   man,   one   must    acquire  Wisdom, Benevolence and Valor. With Wisdom only, one tends to be cold. Benevolence alone makes one weaker. With valor only, one  may reach   beyond  his  capabilities.  When  the  three   qualities  are combined, however, one will become a complete man.

Similarly, success in enterprise lies in the knowledge  of  Heaven, Earth and Man. Business will succeed only  when  these  factors, "heavensent" chances, natural opportunities, and harmony of man are present. Without even one factor, success is remote.

In Buddhism, Butsu (Buddha), Po (Doctrine) and  So   (Priest)  are three  principle  treasures  for  its   promotion  of  the  teaching.  In Christianity, God, Bible and Minister.

The word MITUTOYO signifies three abundances. "Mitsu"  means three, while "Toyo" stands for a   state  of  abundance. The  name MITUTOYO was   selected,  with  a  sincere  wish  to  see  more complete men, to create a prosperous enterprise and to introduce righteous religion to all, along with the lasting wish for  a  peaceful world and fulfillment of meaningful life.

[From Mitutoyo Webpage]


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Measuring Instruments.
