Addison Cutting Tools

Counter Bores.

We are manufacturers and authorized distributors for "Vans" brand  quality cutting tools. We are also offer varieties of all Counter bores including Counter Bores With Morse Taper Shank.

Counter bore may be used to square the screw head’s seating surface perpendicular to the axis of the hole, an operation known as spot facing, Counter bores are tools for cutting recessed holes in a work piece, typically on center with a smaller hole. Counter bores are frequently cut in order to allow screw head seating in the recessed hole, so that the screw head does not protrude above the material surface.

Counter bores are available in both English and metric screw sizes. The following links gives specifications of Addison make counter bores.


            Counter Bores Inches.

            Counter Bores with Morse Taper Shank Metric.


            Go to our download page for complete price list of Addison cutting tools in Indian rupees in PDF format.

Addison Cutting Tools


authorized dealers for cutting tools, authorized distributors in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Faridabad, Kolkatta, Bangalore, Rajkot, Aurangabad, Ahemdabad, Goa, Karnataka, Delhi, I